通過 Connetix 學習科學 Learning Science with Connetix
18. 9月, 2023
Connetix Tiles 是一款令人驚嘆的 STEAM 資源,適合家庭和學校使用。作為一名科學老師和一名母親,我親眼目睹了她們是多麼受人愛戴、多麼有價值、多麼多才多藝。 Sarah Shan
我們是 STEAM 愛好者,通過我們的 Instagram 帳戶@mylittlebrightsparks 分享我們的遊戲和學習。在這篇博客中,我將分享我們與 Connetix 的冒險經歷,以及我們如何將其與我非常熱衷的科學學習聯繫起來。
Tiles are an amazing STEAM resource to have both at home and at school. As a science teacher and a mom, I have seen first-hand how loved, valuable and versatile they are. Sarah Shan
We are STEAM enthusiasts and share our play and learning through our Instagram account @mylittlebrightsparks. In this blog I’ll be sharing our adventures with Connetix and how we have linked it to learning Science, which I am very passionate about.
了解生物科學 Understanding Biological Science
我們使用彩虹 Connetix 的一種方法是捕捉和觀察花朵,在自然光下觀察它們。為此,我們將花朵壓在磁力片之間以將它們包裹起來,這是近距離發現花朵各個部分和授粉過程的好方法。使用燈箱可以很好地增強觀察和發現,我們尚未嘗試過這種方式,但知道它看起來會很棒。
Floral Tiles
One way we’ve used our rainbow Connetix is to capture and observe flowers, viewing them in natural light. To do this we pressed the flowers between tiles to encase them, which is a great way to discover the parts of a flower and pollination process up close. Using a light-box would be great to enhance observation and discovery, a way we haven’t tried yet but know would look amazing.
Life Cycles
We have made lifecycle diagrams for a butterfly and a bird. Using a magnetic whiteboard and removable marker to add on the stages. (Note: All markers are different! Make sure to spot test removable markers first.) Children can identify the different stages before deciding which order they should be placed in.
One of our most recent activities was to create an anatomical model of the heart. We identified the different parts, observed how they fit together, and discussed each part’s amazing role in the mechanical functions of the heart. Other anatomy-related recreations you can try are the digestive system, the skeleton and the respiratory system!
我們使用 Connetix 作為平台,將動物分為不同類別。我們嘗試過陸地動物與海洋動物,或夜間動物與白天動物。您可以通過多種方式使用此設置來對類別進行分類。嘗試包括健康和不健康的食物,以及脊椎動物,如魚類、哺乳動物、鳥類、爬行動物和兩棲動物。
We have used Connetix as platforms as a base to sort animals into differing categories. Some we’ve tried are land vs sea animals, or nocturnal vs diurnal. There are a multitude of ways you can use this set up to classify categories. Try including healthy and unhealthy foods, as well as vertebrate groups, such as fish, mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians.
了解物理過程 Understanding Physical Processes
Connetix 包含具有北極和南極的磁鐵。當相同的極點彼此靠近並且它們相互排斥,而異性相吸時,您可以觀察到這一點。您可以使用已知北極/南極的條形磁鐵來確定瓷磚上的哪個。
Connetix contain magnets that have a North and a South pole. You can observe this when the same poles are placed near to each other and they repel, while opposites attract. You can use a bar magnet with a known North/South pole to work out which is which on the tile.
我們使用 Connetix 使用人造光和自然光進行折射,甚至將它們組合起來以演示原色的顏色混合以產生二次色。當光波穿過不同的介質或物體時,會發生折射,光波的速度發生變化,導致方向發生變化。當光線從空氣穿過磁力片時,由於兩種介質的密度不同,光線會發生彎曲。這會在表面上創建彩色圖像。
We’ve used Connetix to make refractions with both artificial and natural light and even combined them to demonstrate colour mixing of primary colours to make secondary colours. Refractions occur when a wave of light passes through different mediums or objects, the speed of this wave changes which causes the direction to change. As light travels from the air through the tile, it’s bent as the density of the two mediums are different. This creates a coloured image on a surface.
我們喜歡使用鏡子查看 Connetix 圖案,並希望通過創建對稱對象的一半(例如蝴蝶)並使用鏡子來完成它來擴展此活動。然後,孩子們可以挑戰自己,使用實際的瓷磚來創造另一半。當光從物體反射時就會發生反射。如果物體像玻璃或水一樣光滑且有光澤,那麼它會以相同的角度反射,就像您使用鏡子時一樣。當光線從光滑的斜角磁力片反射時,您還會注意到房間周圍的顏色跳躍。
We’ve enjoyed looking at Connetix patterns using a mirror and want to extend this activity by creating half of an object that is symmetrical (such as a butterfly) and using the mirror to complete it. The children could then challenge themselves to create the other half using actual tiles too. Reflections occur when light bounces off an object. If the object is smooth and shiny like glass or water then it will reflect at the same angle, like when you use a mirror. You will also notice colours bouncing around the room when light reflects off the smooth bevelled tiles.
我們使用模板、粉筆、貼紙和紙板在連接到 Connetix Tiles 時製作不透明圖像。添加任何光源,不透明圖像將阻擋光線,陰影將投射在牆壁、天花板或地板上。
We have used stencils, chalk pens, stickers and cardboard to make opaque images when attached to Connetix Tiles. Add any light source, the opaque images will block the light, and shadows will project on the walls, ceiling or floor.

We used this in class as a secret message decoding activity. It works best with blue and red tiles and pens. Try writing an overlapping message in either colour, then view them under each tile to reveal what’s written. Wondering how it works? White light contains and reflects all colours, making the paper appear the same colour as the filter it’s viewed through. The colour of the text absorbs all other colours. So, when looking at blue text through a red filter, it appears dark blue or black, and can be seen. The red text, however, disappears almost completely as it reflects the red of the filter. The same happens with the blue filter. By allowing different words to be viewed clearly through different coloured filters, revealing the secret message!
多米諾骨牌活動是我們在 Connetix 中很受歡迎的一項活動,將瓷磚像多米諾骨牌一樣排列起來,然後將其推倒。您可以進行一些測量來計算速度。您需要記錄完成的距離和時間。速度 (m/s) 的計算方法是距離 (m) 除以時間 (s)。當多米諾骨牌軌道是線性的時,這種方法效果最好。
The domino activity is a popular one for us with Connetix, lining up tiles like dominoes before knocking them down. You can take some measurements doing this to calculate the speed. You will need to record the distance and the time to finish. Speed (m/s) is calculated by dividing distance (m) by time (s). This works best when the domino track is linear.
了解化學過程 Understanding Chemical Processes
這是我在科學課上練習使用的一項很棒的活動。我創建了一個元素模型,其中的圖塊都是相同的,是兩個或多個連接在一起的化合物,以及兩者的組合的混合物。學生將能夠在我的白板上重新創建這些內容。例如,元素可以是氧,化合物可以是水或 H2O,混合物可以是海水。
This is a great activity I’ve practised to use in my science class. I created a model of elements where the tiles are all the same, compounds where two or more are joined together and mixtures where there’s a combination of the two. The students will be able to recreate these on my whiteboard. An example of an element would be oxygen, a compound could be water or H2O, and a mixture is sea water.

pH 值
我在課堂上練習的另一項活動是重新創建 pH 值。柔和的色彩和清晰的設置將使這更加有效!使用我的彩虹磁力片,我只需將顏色加倍即可創建不同的色調。該 pH 值顯示瞭如果溶液呈酸性、中性或鹼性,通用指示劑會變成什麼顏色。我們在學校使用液體指示劑,但您可以輕鬆獲得指示紙供家庭使用。基本版本可以使用紅色表示酸性(例如醋),藍色表示鹼(例如碳酸氫鈉),綠色表示中性(例如水)。
Another activity I’ve practised to use for my class is to recreate a pH scale. The pastel colours and the clear set would make this even more effective! Using my rainbow tiles, I just had to double up colours to create different shades. This pH scale shows what colour universal indicator would turn if the solution was acidic, neutral or alkaline. We use liquid indicator at school, but you can get indicator paper easily for home use. A basic version could use red to indicate acidic (such as vinegar), blue to indicate an alkali (such as sodium bicarbonate), and green as neutral (such as water).