妳好!我們是 Dana 和 Hayley
我們想與您分享一點我們的家,所以 Little Myrtle 誕生了。
Hi! We are Dana and Hayley - two women/wives/mothers/time poor/creative/energetic/designers whom have lived and worked all over the world.
We know what it’s like to have family in different country codes and friends we rarely see, to move (too many times) and have to make these houses our homes. That special place when you open the door that’s yours. All yours. A safe, happy, breathe easy abode.
We wanted to share a little bit of our home with you and so Little Myrtle was born.
Welcome home.

Why Little Myrtle 小桃金孃
海莉 (Hayley) 住在一個又一個城市叢林中(並且愛他們中的每一個),但想念她在澳大利亞的家。海洋、我們的生活方式、自由、家庭和可能性。
我們的棉花由 GOTS 認證的有機棉製成,這意味著它是合乎道德的,這使我們的產品系列為一個讓我們所有人更快樂、更健康的地球做出了貢獻。
它由最高等級的 GOTS 認證有機棉製成。我們確保我們的紗布不含化學物質,這使得這種自然透氣的面料更加奢華。
The lemon myrtle is a native Australian plant and holds a special place for us.
Dana lived in the Torres Strait Island and the Kimberley. In a tent in the bush for four years. Comfort came to hold a different meaning. It wasn’t about the weekly food drop or a bed as many know it. Comfort came to mean the scent of the bush, the colour of the sky, the rivers and their depth.
Hayley lived in one urban jungle after another (and loved every one of them,) but missed her Australian home. The ocean, our way of life, freedom, family and possibility.
Myrtle symbolises fertility, peace, courage, love and youth - and we could all use a little of that. So, we bring a little Australian comfort from our home into yours. Decor, baby and kids’ wares, design and fashion. Just a Little Myrtle.
Our cotton is made from GOTS-certified organic cotton, which means it is ethically made and that makes our range contribute to a planet that is happier and healthier for us all.
Designed and made with love, our pieces are carefully considered to breach the gap of time and last for years to come.
Luxuriously Soft.
It is made from the highest grade GOTS certified organic cotton. We have made sure that our gauze is chemical free, which makes this naturally breathable fabric even more luxurious.