Petites Pommes, Classic Pool Floats Calile 經典泳圈 湖水綠 1-12y

$890 TWD

Petites Pommes 泳圈是重生的童年經典 - 我們注重細節,力求使其經久耐用。我們特色的條紋泳圈有 4 種不同尺寸,適合幼兒到成人,並有一系列美麗的顏色,可搭配任何夏季造型!

OLIVIA 45 cm 1-3 y:20 kg
ANNA 60 cm 3-6 y:30 kg
SALLY 90 cm 6+y:75 kg
CELINE 120 cm 12+y ( 大人 ):100 kg

CALILE 已成為現代經典。我們的 CALILE 是一種美麗的柔和綠色,是中性色、棕色、柔和的藍色和粉紅色的完美互補色。這是一個很棒的男女皆宜的選擇,對於兒童和成人來說都同樣美麗。

  • 不含 BPA 和鄰苯二甲酸鹽。
  • 我們所有的產品均裝在可重複使用的有機棉袋中,以便在不使用時方便存放。
  • Petites Pommes 泳圈具有超精細的內部接縫,帶來卓越的舒適度。
  • OLIVIA、ANNA 和 SALLY 浮標由耐用的 0.25 mm PVC 製成。
  • CELINE Grand Float 由稍重的 0.3 mm PVC 製成,以進一步抵抗頻繁使用。
  • 每個產品都包含修復補丁,以防您不小心遭受小刺穿。
  • 我們所有的花車都是手工印製的。此過程完全是手動的,根據手的壓力,產品之間可能會出現微小的顏色差異。
  • 符合:EN71-1:2014 + A1:2018; EN 71-2:2011 + A1:2014; EN 71-3:2019; AS/NZS ISO 8124-1:2019 + Amd 1:2020 + Amd 2:2020; AS/NZS ISO 8124-2 2016; AS/NZS ISO 8124-3:2021 JFSL; EC 號 1907/2006(REACH 附件 XVII)+ EU 2018/2005 ASTM F963-17; CPSIA。

透過小心處理浮子,可以延長產品的使用壽命,從而減少不必要的浪費和過度消耗。以下是有關如何最好地照顧 Petites Pommes 漂浮物的一些提示:

  • 切勿過度充氣或使用壓縮空氣為泳圈充氣,否則可能會導致泳圈破裂。
  • 使用後,用清水沖洗浮子或用濕布擦拭。
  • 不使用時,請勿將浮子置於陽光直射處。暴露在過熱的環境中可能會導致腫脹(深色比淺色更容易腫脹)。
  • 折疊和存放前確保浮子乾燥。

在 Petites Pommes,我們致力於製造世界上最好的花車。因此,我們只使用經過批准的耐用材料和顏色,超細接縫,不會刺激嬌嫩的皮膚,並符合最嚴格的 國際安全標準*。

我們是負責任消費的倡導者,並對我們作為品牌的影響負責 。在我們鼓勵社區投資於持久品質的同時,我們也努力將一次性塑膠的使用量降至最低,並盡可能選擇回收和再利用。我們的產品擁有永恆的設計和厚重的材料,可以 適應不斷變化的時尚。 Petites Pommes 系列是恆定的而非季節性的,會定期添加新產品。因此,我們不會在季末進行大促銷來清理優質商品的庫存。這不僅對環境更公平,對我們投資了Petites Pommes產品​​的顧客也更公平❦
所有 Petites Pommes 浮標均採用耐磨 PVC 製成,這種材料經過最嚴格的國際標準測試。為什麼是聚氯乙烯?這是唯一具有生產安全防水充氣產品所需獨特性能的材料。一旦出現替代方案,我們將致力於成為領跑者,以便繼續努力實現更永續的產業。


The Petites Pommes swim ring is a reborn childhood classic - made with the attention to detail we have strived to make it last for seasons. Our characteristic striped floats come in 4 different sizes for toddler to adult, and in a range of beautiful colours to complete any summer look!

The sage green has become a modern classic. Our CALILE is a beautiful muted green and a perfect complementary colour to neutrals, browns, soft blues, and shades of pink. It’s a great unisex option and just as beautiful for children as it is for adults.

  • Free of BPA and phthalates.
  • All our products are delivered in a reusable bag of organic cotton for easy storage when not in use.
  • Petites Pommes swim rings have extra fine inside seaming for premium comfort.
  • The OLIVIA, ANNA, and SALLY floats are made of durable 0.25mm PVC.
  • The CELINE Grand Float is made of a slightly heavier 0.3mm PVC to provide further resistance to heavy use.
  • A repair patch is included with each product should you accidentally suffer a small puncture.
  • All our floats are hand-printed. This process is completely manual and depending on the pressure of the hand, small colour variations between products may occur.
  • Complies with: EN71-1:2014 + A1:2018; EN 71-2:2011 + A1:2014; EN 71-3:2019; AS/NZS ISO 8124-1:2019 + Amd 1:2020 + Amd 2:2020; AS/NZS ISO 8124-2 2016; AS/NZS ISO 8124-3:2021 JFSL; EC No. 1907/2006 (REACH Annex XVII) + EU 2018/2005 ASTM F963-17; CPSIA.

By handling your floats with care you extend the life of the product, hence reducing the need for unnecessary waste and excessive consumption. Below are a few tips on how to best care for your Petites Pommes float:

  • Never over-inflate or use compressed air to inflate your swim ring as this may cause it to burst.
  • After use, rinse the float in clean water or wipe with a damp cloth.
  • Do not leave the float in direct sunlight when not in use. Exposure to excessive heat may cause swelling (dark colours are more prone to swelling than lighter ones).
  • Ensure that the float is dry before folding and storage.

Therefore we only use approved, durable materials and colours, extra fine seaming not to irritate delicate skin, and meet the strictest international safety standards*.

We are advocates for responsible consumption and take responsibility for our impact as a brand. While we encourage our community to invest in long-lasting quality, we also strive to keep single-use plastic to a minimum, and opt for recycling and reuse whenever possible. Our products have a timeless design and heavyweight material to survive ever-changing fashion. Petites Pommes collections are constant rather than seasonal, with new drops added periodically. Hence we do not do big sales at the end of a season to clear stock of perfectly fine goods. This is not only more fair to the environment, it is also more fair to our customers who have invested in a Petites Pommes product ❦
While we haven't found the answer to all our challenges yet, we work hard towards improving where we can and always strive to find ways in which we can minimise our environmental footprint. Last year we removed all single-use plastic in our packaging and replaced it with 100% recycled plastic where it is still necessary. Our floats are delivered in an organic cotton bag for safe storage until its next use. Should you accidentally suffer a small puncture, a repair patch is included with all our floats.
All Petites Pommes floats are produced in a resistant PVC - a material tested according to the strictest international standards. Why PVC? This is the only material with the unique properties needed to produce safe and watertight inflatables. Once an alternative is available we are committed to be a frontrunner in order to keep working towards a more sustainable industry.