隆重介紹我們的長墊子,採用標誌性的花朵圖案製成。 外部也由 100% 有機棉製成,並大量填充柔軟的聚酯纖維,增加舒適度。
這款多功能靠墊可充當嬰兒床防護罩,確保您的小寶寶在睡眠期間的基本安全,並為依偎提供額外的舒適感。 此外,它作為裝飾口音為他們的空間增添了令人愉悅的魅力。憑藉其美麗的花朵圖案和柔和的有機棉外觀,它不僅增強了美感,還確保了孩子敏感肌膚的舒適性和安全性。
尺寸約:25 x 71 cm
來自美國紐約午睡墊品牌Bloomere 專為您和您的寶貝打造,旨在減輕日常負擔、營造輕鬆舒適和安心的氛圍,擁抱平靜快樂的日常小睡時刻,安穩的好眠,讓笑容更燦爛的法寶🤍不僅為家創造更彈性使用的空間,而且符合個人美學,確保每一件產品都能為您的甜寶貝帶來純粹的歡樂時刻,不影響風格。我們的Bloomere 產品在美國紐約精心設計,採用小批量生產,以確保最高品質和真實性。
Introducing our Long Cushion, made with signature bloomere patterns. The exterior is also made of 100% organic cotton, and it's generously filled with soft polyfill for added comfort.
This versatile cushion serves as a protective crib guard, ensuring essential safety for your little one during sleep and providing extra coziness for snuggling. Moreover, it adds a delightful charm to their space as a decorative accent. With its beautiful bloomere patterns and gentle organic cotton exterior, it not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also ensures comfort and safety for your child's sensitive skin.
Choose from five styles: Petal, Modern Stripe, Hot Balloon, Teddy, and Brown Gingham
Size: 10’’ x 28’’
Care: Remove the pillow cover and machine wash it in cold water.