Mushie, Silicone Feeding Spoons 2-Pack - Tradewinds 矽膠湯匙組-灰藍

$360 TWD

源於丹麥思想的美國品牌Mushie,受到丹麥設計和生活方式的啟發,風格現代而簡約,卻在色彩中帶著復古色調, 產品均使用食品級矽膠製成,是新手父母們最易入手的品牌。


我們的矽膠湯匙由 100% BPA 和無化學物質製成,寶寶用餐的好夥伴。柔軟的矽膠尖端可保護寶寶敏感的牙齦和新長出的牙齒,讓您和您的孩子享受愉快的用餐時光! 


  • 約 6寸"
  • 食品級矽膠
  • 100% BPA 和無化學物質


用溫水與中性洗劑清洗並晾乾。 使用前清洗並檢查。請勿微波、蒸汽或消毒。在第一次出現弱點或損壞跡象時丟棄並更換。不要讓孩子拿著湯匙走路或跑動。更不要讓孩子在無人看管時使用它。 


What's Included: 2 silicone feeding spoons

Made of 100% BPA and chemical free material, our silicone spoons are perfect for feeding your baby. The soft silicone tip protects your baby's sensitive gums and newly grown teeth making meal time enjoyable for you and your little one! 


  • Approximately 6"
  • Food grade silicone
  • 100% BPA and chemical free material


To clean, wash with warm, soapy water and let dry. Wash and inspect before use. Do not microwave, steam, or sterilize. Discard and replace at first sign of weakness or damage. Do not let child walk or run while carrying the spoon. Do not leave child unattended.