OYOY, Tiny Inka Cup - Set Of 2 - Caramel / Rose 印加矽膠兒童餐具/杯子組/玫瑰粉+焦糖橘

$680 TWD

Tiny Inka Cup 採用了著名的 OYOY 設計。該杯子100%食品級矽膠製成,可放入洗碗機和微波爐。Tiny Inka 矽膠系列對於有小孩的家庭來說是一種實用元素,因為它們即使掉在地板上也不會破裂。孩子們會喜歡使用這些矽膠杯子。

2 件套。

質量:100% 矽膠
尺寸:H7,5 x L7,5 x W6 cm

OYOY Living Design 優雅和可持續性的精美產品,創造屬於您的居家風格,在斯堪的納維亞設計,傳統中有著堅實的基礎。

憑藉對形狀和顏色的追求,我們為您的房間創造了具有優雅和女性特徵的功能性內飾的廣泛調色板,這將為美麗的北歐風格家居增添美感。OYOY Living Design 系列中的產品由誠實和精心組合的材料定義,突出簡單和意想不到的細節。俏皮的顏色和形狀為我們的設計注入活力。我們以強烈的色彩組合和圖案設計室內設計,我們的產品始終以最高質量生產。OYOY Living Design 是永恆的北歐設計,我們的系列仍然始終受到現代圖形線條的啟發。


Tiny Inka Cup has the well-known OYOY design in dimmed colors. The cup is approved for use in food and can go in both dishwasher and microwave. The Tiny Inka series in silicone is a practical element for the family with small children as they do not break if they fall on the floor. Kids will love drinking these cups in silicone.

The soft and challenging material helps increase the child's fine motor control and tactility because the material can bend and have a soft surface.
Set of 2.

Color: Caramel / Rose
Quality: 100% Silicone
Dimensions: H2.95 x L2.95 x W2.36 in

OYOY Living Design is Danish designed interior for your home
Organize your home with elegant and sustainable designs

Our collection is defined by products for your home with a simplicity and elegance which makes them last as a contemporary part of your decor for many years to come. A great selection of our products are shaped by Designer Lotte Fynboe’s childhood memories. Our sustainable designs are produced in the best materials of high quality - as an example all of our bed linen is produced in the softest sustainable cotton. We believe that every home should reflect the owners. We also believe that design can be both practical and beautiful at the same time, which is clear in our collections. Our assortment features so much more, but we would like to invite you to discover it for yourself. Welcome inside the universe of OYOY Living Design, we hope to inspire you.