Konges Sløjd, Weather station fsc - Nature 天氣預報氣象站 原木

$2,210 TWD


尺寸:30 x 30 x 2cm

2022 年,我們獲得了 FSC 認證,森林管理委員會是一項國際標準,可確保我們在產品(主要是玩具)中使用的木材來自負責任的林業。FSC 標籤保證動植物的生命受到保護,並且保證在森林中工作的人得到培訓、安全設備和體面的工資。 


丹麥品牌Konges Sløjd專為嬰兒、兒童和家庭打造簡約、斯堪的納維亞風格和時尚的產品,專注於質量、功能和簡約。產品由 GOTS 認證的有機棉在具有公平工作條件的工廠中製成。從嬰兒必需品(薄紗布、尿布袋、圍兜和牙膠)到漂亮的裝飾品和玩具(床罩、餐具、木製玩具)和甜美配飾,應有盡有。


Weather station made in beechwood. Tell stories about the weather with help from little weather icons and season signs.

Size:30 x 30 x 2cm

Konges Sløjd is a creative brand who salutes the wild.Our brand aims to blaze a trail for garments, toys and interior produced in a way that is kinder to the environment and made to last. Everything is crafted to survive snuggly newborns, adventurous toddlers or curious children and still be passed on - not only to siblings but to future generations.