Wooden Story, Rattle Turtle Dove 木製滾輪

$1,890 TWD

Turtle Dove 是我們玩具系列中的木製撥浪鼓,其靈感源自波蘭鳥類優美的聲音。這是一個簡單的玩具,您的孩子可以在地上滾動或在手掌中玩弄它來訓練他們的精細運動技能。此玩具的運動伴隨著悅耳的聲音。這是透過挑選兩種特定類型的木材來確保的。斑鳩邀請您一起玩耍 - 閉上眼睛並跟隨它的聲音。

由來自 FSC ®認證供應商的木材製成。


含包裝尺寸cm長 13.5 x 寬 10.5 x 高 9.5 
重量 / 帶包裝 : 0.24 kg

Wooden Story 全系列商品產於波蘭貝斯基地山脈

我們的玩具是天然木頭做的,使用全天然生態認證塗料著色,不含有害化學物質,僅以天然蜂蠟和純植物油為我們的玩具帶來柔軟、光滑的表面Wooden Story,而我們的環保包裝不是為了一次性使用而設計的,我們的帆布袋和盒子設計為可重複使用或易於回收,在製作我們的商品時,只使用 FSC 認證的木材來保護環境。



更多  Wooden Story品牌故事  Wooden Story Brand's Story


Turtle Dove is a wooden rattle from our collection of toys inspired by the beautiful voices of Polish birds. It is a simple toy that your child can roll on the ground or juggle it in their palms to train their fine motor skills.The movement of this toy is accompanied by a sound that is pleasant for the ears. This was ensured by picking two specific types of wood.The Turtle Dove invites you to play – close your eyes and follow it’s voice.

• made of selected wood that comes from  certifed suppliers
• finished with beeswax and botanical oils, sanded perfectly smooth, soft to the touch
• packed in a paperboard box, which is designed to be reused or easily
• this product is free from any harmful substances
• this is an organic and eco-friendly product

Dimensions with packaging cm: 13,5 L x 10,5 W x 9,5 H
Weight / with packaging : 0,24 kg


Our toys are made of wood  Coloured with all natural eco - certified paints Free of harmful chemicals Beeswax and botanical oils give our toys a soft, polished finish Wooden Story eco - friendly packaging is not made to be thrown away, our canvas bags and boxes are designed to be reused or easily recycled

Cardboard packaging, before it is recycled, will give your child hours of fun. The surfaces inside have been adorned with a view of Babia Góra waiting for your child to fill it with colours.
