fini. Cap Rise + Shine Blue 老式棒球帽 寶藍 兒童

$1,250 TWD

隆重介紹我們來自澳洲fini. the label最有樂趣的新兒童棒球帽!Dad Cap的親子風格,更是日常必備的幼兒遮陽時尚單品,好穿搭,適合一年四季配戴💞

故意顛倒繡有對比色的「rise + shine」文字,代表著一天的慢活慵懶步調的開始,清醒擁抱生活並以微笑開始新的每一天。Ps : 快樂是會傳染的😊


由 6 片經預洗棉帆布製成,平帽簷, 帽圍可從最小48cm調整至54cm後繫帶適中位置。 
因帽冠深度,建議 1-4y 兒童使用。 

尺寸指南 cm


1. 在乾淨的水槽或水桶中裝滿冷水,並添加幾滴洗衣粉。
2. 使用更多稀釋在水中的清潔劑來清潔特別髒的區域,然後用牙刷或其他小刷子輕輕擦洗污漬。
3. 將帽子浸入水中約15分鐘。
4. 用冷水徹底沖洗帽子,然後用毛巾輕輕拍乾。
5. 將帽冠(直接戴在頭上的部分)放在一個倒置的小碗或其他模仿您頭部形狀的容器上,重塑帽子的形狀。將帽子放在外面晾乾。


我們的帽子按尺寸而不是年齡標記。原因是一個人的頭圍可能與同一年齡的另一個人的頭圍有很大差異。若要確定適合您孩子的尺寸,請使用每種產品中針對其設計提供的尺寸指南,並根據與您購買物件相關的頭圍進行選擇。 請記住,購買太小的帽子永遠不適合,但購買太大的帽子可以長大。

由於織品彈性係數、水洗工藝、測量點等原因,可能與實際產品有 ±2cm 的偏差,經檢驗標準政策均屬測量可接受範圍,不屬於瑕疵。



Introducing our fun new kids dad caps!
The must have trendy toddler sun-protection fashion item, for all year round style. 

Made from Pre-Washed Cotton Canvas, 6 Panel, Flat Brim, and Adjustable in size.

Embroidered with contrasting colour 'rise + shine' text (intentionally upside down because we enjoy a little quirky fun!) representing that sluggish start to the day where we should wake up, embrace life & begin the day with a smile. Happiness is contagious.

Suggested for children aged 1-4 years (due to cap crown depth). 
Adjustable up to 54cm hat circumference. 

  1. Fill a clean sink or bucket with cool water and add a couple drops of laundry detergent.
  2. Spot clean extra-dirty areas by using more detergent diluted in water and gently scrub the stains with a toothbrush or other small brush.
  3. Soak the hat in the water for about 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse the hat thoroughly with cool water and gently pat dry with a towel.
  5. Reshape the hat by placing the cap crown (the part that sits directly on your head) on top of an upside down small bowl or other container that mimics the shape of your head. Leave the hat out to dry.