ferm LIVING, Hoy Casted Candle Holder - Black 霍伊鑄造燭台 黑

$3,580 TWD

Hoy Casted 燭台無論您選擇放置在何處,無論是在精美的餐桌上、壁爐旁還是地板上,都能彰顯個性。這款超高燭台由鑄造再生鋁製成,具有原始的啞光飾面,與其簡單的設計形成了可愛的對比。

貨號: 1104263197
顏色: 黑色
尺寸: Ø:17 x 高:55 cm
重量: 1.3公斤
材質: 100% 再生鑄鋁
保養說明: 用濕布擦拭
注意文字: 確保在蠟燭到達燭台邊緣之前將其熄滅。切勿將點燃的蠟燭留在視線之外

帶有「RESPONSIBLE」標籤的商品要么具有以下認證之一:GOTS 認證、有機混合或 FSC™ 認證,要么採用負責任的再生材料生產,例如再生玻璃、再生鋁、再生紙漿或 PET 紗線由消費後的塑膠瓶製成。

產品獲得 GOTS 認證意味著什麼?
GOTS 是全球有機紡織品標準,被公認為世界領先的有機纖維紡織品加工標準。它定義了整個有機紡織品供應鏈的高水準環境和社會標準。

產品獲得 FSC™ 認證代表什麼?
FSC™ 代表森林管理委員會,是一項針對木材和紙張的國際非營利標籤計劃。在 FSC™ 林業中,砍伐的木材數量不會超過森林自然繁殖的數量。同時,FSC™ 也是整個供應鏈中工作人員受到合法和道德對待以及動植物生命受到保護的保證。




ferm LIVING基於對真實設計的熱情,所做的每一個核心責任的選擇,都是為了創造誠實產品和平靜生活而存在。我們與哥本哈根的家鄉和世界各地的工匠合作,將斯堪的納維亞思維方式與全球技能和傳統融合在一起,以柔和的形式、豐富的紋理和奇特的細節為特色,可幫助您的居家營造出一種意想不到的沉穩質感氛圍。從材料和工藝到生產和交付,都以幫助塑造可持續發展的未來做努力,也讓您更容易做出善待地球環境的選擇。

更多 ferm LIVING 品牌故事  Brand's Story


Featuring two individual mirrors, the Pond series explores organic shapes for a classic mirror with a metal frame. Inspired by free-flowing movements of water, the mirror invites open and fluid forms into your home, turning the functional mirror into a decorative wall piece. The mirror can be hung more ways so that you can find the perfect fit for the room and your needs.

Please note: the mirror's metal frame features a welding mark at the point where the metal has been fused together.

Item no.: 100543101
Color: Brass
Size: W: 52 x H: 50 x D: 1.5 cm
Weight: 3.5 kg
Material: Mirror glass. MDF backing with a brass plated zinc frame
Info: L-shaped screws for wall mounting included. Registered design
Care instructions: Wipe with a soft damp cloth or gently clean with soft sponge and mild detergent
What does our ‘RESPONSIBLE’ tag mean?
Items with our ‘RESPONSIBLE’ tag either have one of the following certifications: GOTS-certified, Organic Blended or FSC™-certified, or are produced in responsible, recycled materials, such as recycled glass, recycled aluminium, recycled paper pulp or PET yarn made from post-consumer plastic bottles.

What does it mean that a product is GOTS-certified?
GOTS is the Global Organic Textile Standard and is recognised as the world’s leading processing standard for textiles made from organic fibres. It defines high-level environmental and social criteria along the entire organic textiles supply chain.

What does it mean that a product is FSC™-certified?
FSC™ stands for the Forest Stewardship Council and is an international, non-profit labelling scheme for wood and paper. In FSC™ forestry, no more wood is felled than the forest can naturally reproduce. At the same time, FSC™ is a guarantee that people who work within the entire supply chain are treated legally and ethically, and that animals and plant life are protected.

Due to the uncontrollable situation of international transportation, the packaging of the goods is somewhat imperfect. This is inevitable during the transportation process. Please do not place an order if you are looking for perfect packaging. Before placing an order, you can contact us to inquire about the condition of the product. After the order is placed, the return and exchange of the same reason will not be accepted.