Wooden Story, Stacking Tower - Natural 益智堆疊積木組 自然色

$1,690 TWD


1. 建造一座有盡可能多的「窗戶」或「洞」的塔——任何符合你想像的東西,只要你能透過它們看到。
2. 建造兩座彼此靠近的鏤空塔 - 讓它們足夠靠近,以便您可以用例如在公園裡找到的一根棍子將它們連接起來。您也可以用一條彩色線將其穿過結構中的開口。
3. 建造你能想像到的最高的塔 - 只要確保它們的底座不同即可。首先你可以使用 X 型木塊;另一次,你可以把兩個圓柱體放在一起,並在它們上面建造一座人行橋。嘗試任何你想到的東西。每一個不同的結構都能堅固地立在地面上嗎?
4. 用你所有的方塊建造一座塔。為了打造一個堅固的底座,你應該在底部使用更多的東西,也許是 3 個、4 個甚至 5 個……看起來我們又有了一座新塔。
5. 還有什麼想法嗎?這些積木迫不及待地想幫助您將它們變成現實…


由來自 FSC ®認證供應商的木材製成。

積木最大件尺寸 cm:長 7.5 x 寬 2.5 x 高 1.1 
積木最小件尺寸 cm:長 2.5 x 寬 1.8 x 高 2.5 
尺寸(不含包裝)cm:長 30.7 x 寬 7.3 x 高 17.3 
帶包裝的尺寸 cm:長 32.8 x 寬 8.3 x 高 19.5 
重量 / 帶包裝 : 0.85 kg

Wooden Story 全系列商品產於波蘭貝斯基地山脈

我們的玩具是天然木頭做的,使用全天然生態認證塗料著色,不含有害化學物質,僅以天然蜂蠟和純植物油為我們的玩具帶來柔軟、光滑的表面Wooden Story,而我們的環保包裝不是為了一次性使用而設計的,我們的帆布袋和盒子設計為可重複使用或易於回收,在製作我們的商品時,只使用 FSC 認證的木材來保護環境。



更多  Wooden Story品牌故事  Wooden Story Brand's Story


Wooden Montessori Stacking Toy.
Have you ever wondered what secrets they hold?
When we sit down to play with them, we never really know what they’ll help us create this time.
And even when we build, let’s say, a tower, will it always end up looking the same?
Let’s give it a try...

We’d love to invite you to a game:

  1. Build a tower with as many “windows” or “holes” as possible - whatever fits your imagination, as long as you can see through them.
  2. Build two openwork towers close to one another - make them close enough so that you can connect them with a stick you found in the park, for example. You could also take a colorful thread and string it through the openings in your structure. 
  3. Build the tallest towers you can imagine - just make sure their bases are different. First you can use block X; a different time you can put together two cylinders and make a foot-bridge over them. Experiment with whatever comes to your mind. Will each one of the different structures stand strong on the ground?
  4. Build a tower from all your blocks. To make a strong base you should use a bit more of them for the bottom, maybe 3, 4 or even 5... it looks like we have a new tower again.
  5. Do you have any more ideas? These blocks can’t wait to help you make them reality…

Let the game begin!

Made of wood that comes from FSC®certified suppliers.
Coloured with all natural, eco-certified paints.
Finished with beeswax and botanical oils, sanded perfectly smooth, soft to the touch.
Packed in a paperboard box, which is designed to be reused or easily recycled.
Free of harmful chemicals.
Product eco. Made in the Beskidy Mountains, Poland.

Dimensions of the largest piece cm : 7,5 L x 2,5 W x 1,1 H
Dimensions of the smallest piece cm : 2,5 L x 1,8 W x 2,5 H
Dimensions (without packaging) cm : 30,7 L x 7,3 W x 17,3 H
Dimensions with packaging cm : 32,8 L x 8,3 W x 19,5 H
Weight /with packaging : 0,85 kg 


Our toys are made of wood  Coloured with all natural eco - certified paints Free of harmful chemicals Beeswax and botanical oils give our toys a soft, polished finish Wooden Story eco - friendly packaging is not made to be thrown away, our canvas bags and boxes are designed to be reused or easily recycled

Cardboard packaging, before it is recycled, will give your child hours of fun. The surfaces inside have been adorned with a view of Babia Góra waiting for your child to fill it with colours.
