Raduga Grëz, Skin tones Cubes set 膚色立方體積木

$1,390 TWD

Raduga Grez 產品由天然木材製成。因此,請注意顏色、紋理和標記方面的細微變化。這些不是缺陷,而是獨特的跡象,可作為其天然來源的證據。Raduga Grëz 是“Rainbow Dreams”的俄語翻譯

以大自然為靈感製作玩具,品牌的每個迷人的木製玩具都是在他們位於俄羅斯一個小山村的家庭作坊中設計和手工製作的。Radgua Grez 玩具由對兒童和環境安全的天然環保材料製成,例如有機石灰、山毛櫸木和水性塗料。從大自然中汲取靈感,從樹木到彩虹、太陽、月亮和星星,Raduga Grez 的木製玩具一定會讓所有年齡段的孩子都感到高興。創造了另一個完美的木玩遊戲,帶孩子掌握“虛構”的概念通常是一個驚喜的發展飛躍,因為它教會孩子用比喻來幻想和思考。

不同膚色的立方體可能成為與您的孩子交談的完美理由。 雖然立方體被塗上了不同的顏色,但它們都是相似和平等的,並且由相同的材料製成。 人們有不同的膚色、眼睛或眼部切口、頭髮、信仰和情人,但我們的血管中都有紅色的血液,我們的心臟以相同的節奏跳動。

立方體積木是最基本的兒童玩具,是 6 個月至 7 歲兒童的“必備”玩具。我們用最美麗的深柔和色彩繪製立方體。它們和童年一樣溫柔,但不會太甜。手工去除了每個立方體的尖角,所以當父母不小心踩到玩具時,它不會受傷。而且沒有用漆包住玩具,所以立方體不會裂開,更方便孩子們用它們來搭建。永恆的玩具,非常適合遊戲和兒童室內裝飾。


包裝尺寸 16x20x4 cm

用集合中的所有 20 個立方體建造一座塔




Raduga Grez products are made of natural wood. Therefore, please pay attention to subtle changes in color, texture, and markings. These are not defects, but unique signs that can be used as evidence of their natural origin. Raduga Grëz is the Russian translation of "Rainbow Dreams"

Raduga Grez makes toys inspired by nature. Founded by Inna Prokhorova, the brand is a family business. Each of the brand’s charming wooden toys are designed and ethically handcrafted in their family workshop located in Russia, in a small mountain village. Radgua Grez toys are made from natural and eco-friendly materials - such as organic lime, beech wood and water-based paints - that are safe for children and the environment. Taking inspiration from the great outdoors, from trees to rainbows, the sun, the moon and the stars, the wooden toys from Raduga Grez are bound to delight kids of all ages.

The Raduga Grez team continues to create another perfect wooden game. Mastering the concept of "fiction" is usually a huge leap in development because it teaches children to use metaphors to imagine and think.

Skin Tones Cubes Set
Cubes of different skin tones may become a perfect cause to talk with your child. Although cubes are painted in different colors, they all are similar and equal, and made of the same material. People have different skin colors, eyes or eye cuts, hair, beliefs and sweethearts, but we all have red blood in our veins and our hearts beat in the same rhythm.

How to play:
During play, discuss what equality and diversity means
Build an amphitheater/a stadium/an arena and show a performance to the audience
Build the highest tower possible, then pretend to be a wind and try to blow it away
Build skittles and play bowling
Build different figures: a circle, a triangle, a heart, a crown, a snowflake etc.
Imagine that cubes are color pixels and draw with them
Build a tower with all 20 cubes from the set
Build a house for an ostrich or a crocodile
Build together in turns by adding one cube at a time

Due to the uncontrollable situation of international transportation, the packaging of the goods is somewhat imperfect. This is inevitable during the transportation process. Please do not place an order if you are looking for perfect packaging. Before placing an order, you can contact us to inquire about the condition of the product. After the order is placed, the return and exchange of the same reason will not be accepted.
