Bondi Wash, Floor Wash - Sydney Peppermint & Rosemary 雪梨薄荷&迷迭香地板清潔液 500ml

$500 TWD

溫和但強效的多功能清潔液,香氣濃郁清爽。 高濃度配方,少量就有效。使用溫水,可以清潔地板和各式物體表面。



  • 高度濃縮 - 只需少量(500ml 平均可洗滌 80 次)
  • 99%+ 植物來源成分( <1% 是安全的食品級防腐劑 )
  • 溫和無毒配方,可在嬰兒和寵物周圍安全使用
  • 澳大利亞製造



BONDI WASH 來自澳洲,以澳洲原生植物精油為基底,調和其他香氛精油和天然植物成份,不僅擁有強效抗菌效果,更擁有清新美好的香氛氣息。適合居家清潔、個人護理和寵物照護,獨具風格的天然產品,溫和不傷人體,保謢地球也守護居家環境。

BONDI WASH 挑選產品原料十分嚴格,絕對不在品質和原料上作出任何讓步。以有機原料為成分優先選擇。全產品系列絕不含硫酸鹽,不含防腐劑 (Paraben),僅採用食品級的保存劑作為替代品。絕不含任何人工合成香精。所有產品都是在澳洲當地生產製造。不進行動物實驗,而且包裝均可回收。

更多品牌介紹   Brand's Story

A gentle, non-toxic Floor Wash or multi-purpose cleaner naturally scented with Australian botanicals for killing germs and refreshing the home. 


  • Highly concentrated - only a small amount is needed (500ml lasts an average of 80 washes)
  • 99%+ plant-derived ingredients (<1% are food-grade preservatives to keep the products shelf-stable)
  • Gentle and non-toxic formulation safe to use around babies and pets
  • Made in Australia

    Pour a small amount (a capful) into a bucket as it fills with warm water. Mop or clean as required. Suitable for use as a multipurpose cleaner on any surface. Can be used directly onto a wet sponge for spot cleaning. Test an inconspicuous area first. Store in a cool, dry place.