Little myrtle, The Softie Throw Oatmeal / Moss 雙面有機棉穆斯林軟棉被 草綠/ 燕麥 3種尺寸

$1,980 TWD


這些織品觸感是天堂般的,我們將舒適度提升更高級的層次,並使用八層柔軟的 GOTS 認證有機棉製成這些絕妙的穆斯林棉軟被。我們本打算只提供嬰兒尺寸,但它們看起來與觸感實在太美好,我們無法抗拒自己對它的渴望與熱愛,所以我們也提供了單人床與雙人床大小尺寸,它真的是任何床與沙發的完美備品,或者在您放鬆身心時包裹您自己和您所愛的人。  

8層夢幻般的柔軟穆斯林棉,每一層都用細線小心地連接到下面的一層,正是這些線在洗滌和乾燥後給我們帶來了美麗的皺摺效果,它是一種透氣的紡織品,但層疊時非常保暖 - 所以全年都可以使用它。

草綠/ 燕麥 雙面中立思考!


Swaddles, Sheets, Towels, Comforter  

所有這些漂亮的物品均採用我們能找到的最柔軟的有機 GOTS 棉製成,但為了盡可能延長它們的使用壽命:單獨洗滌,使用洗衣袋和溫和的洗滌劑,然後冷水輕柔機洗,冷水滾筒烘乾或風乾. 如果您要風乾,請隨意將它們捲起來晾乾 - 它只會讓褶皺變得更美好。   

The Softie    


我們確實會直接將衣服放入洗衣機中,然後放入洗衣袋中烘乾,它們只會變得更柔軟、更起皺,但如果您擔心 - 可手洗,勿拉扯方式!簡介:單獨洗滌,使用洗衣袋和溫和的洗滌劑,然後冷水輕柔機洗,涼爽烘乾或風乾並依偎在一起。 

更多 Little myrtle 品牌故事 Brand's story & 商品問與答 Q & A

These throws are heavenly. We’ve taken the comfort level up a notch and made these divine throws from eight layers of soft GOTS certified organic cotton. We intended to only have them in baby size but they look so good and feel so good we couldn’t resist one for ourselves. So now our older kids (and mostly ourselves,) can have one too. It really is the perfect addition to any bed, sofa or to wrap around yourself and your loved ones as you relax and unwind.  

Oatmeal / Moss

A side of oats with a turn of moss. When you need a subtle highlight


Swaddles, Sheets, Towels, Comforter

All of these beautiful items are made from the softest organic GOTS cotton we could find, but to make them last as long as possible: wash separately, use a laundry bag, mild detergent, then cold gentle machine wash and cool tumble dry or air dry. If you're going to air dry feel free to roll them up to dry - it only makes the crinkly that much better.   

The Softie  

These gorgeous throws are super soft, we can’t say it enough, but they do need care and they do snag, so we’re giving you a heads up about it. It’s the nature of the fabric but we won’t even share ours with our kids (we had to buy them their own) so we suggest sticking them in a laundry bag and do a careful hand wash then fold them to dry them and let them crinkle away. We do stick ours straight into the washer and then the dryer in a laundry bag and they just get softer and crinklier but if you are worried – handwash, hand dry and use with caution! The brief: wash separately, use a laundry bag, mild detergent, then cold gentle machine wash and cool tumble dry or air dry and snuggle away.