Raduga Grëz, Mushrooms Natural 蘑菇積木 原木

$1,800 TWD





RADUGA GRЁZ由第三代木匠在俄羅斯手工製造。由實木和無毒水性塗料製成。從負責任的供應商處購買的優質木材陰影可能與屏幕上的陰影不同。樹木特有的斑點或木紋是可能的。請注意細節和尺寸可能略有不同,因為這是手工製作的。

size 27х19х10 袋裝


As a child, a trip to the woods for mushrooms seems like a big event. We get up early, put on rubber boots couple of sizes bigger, go to the forest, drink tea from a thermos and eat sandwiches.  The house fills with the smell of mushrooms, we peel and cut them, telling each other stories.  And it is not a big deal that small mushroom hunters will not eat a piece of a mushroom stew afterwards… These memories become a part of us.  

Wooden mushrooms will remind you of those days and will become good scenery for role-plays.

 Put them in the secret corners all over the room, give your children baskets and send them to pick up the mushrooms. And if you turn a mushroom upside down it’ll become a spinner!

How to play:

  • Turn a mushroom upside down and spin it
  • Learn the names of different mushrooms 
  • Tie mushrooms together with a thread and make a necklace
  • Decorate mushrooms’ caps: attach a feather, make a wreath from blades of grass, stick play-doh balls around
  • Build a tower of mushrooms
