Mushie, Stacking Rings Toy - Original 甜甜圈疊疊樂 - 經典色

$680 TWD

源於丹麥思想的美國品牌Mushie,受到丹麥設計和生活方式的啟發,風格現代而簡約,卻在色彩中帶著復古色調, 產品均使用食品級矽膠製成,是新手父母們最易入手的品牌。

這些漂亮的疊疊樂由 100% 無毒、不含 BPA 和鄰苯二甲酸鹽的塑料製成,讓您的寶寶看起來既有趣又引人入勝,同時疊放和抓握都有助於他們發展組織和運動技能。 


這個玩具是我們丹麥 Hygge 系列的一部分


  • 從六個月左右開始,堆疊玩具有助於身體和大腦的發育
  • 有助於提高精細運動技能
  • 從堆疊玩具中學到的基本技能成為使用書寫工具等更複雜任務的基礎
  • 堆疊玩具也有助於孩子學習語言技能 
  • 在丹麥設計和製造。



Made from 100% non-toxic, BPA and phthalate free plastic, these beautiful stacking rings are fun and engaging for your baby to look at, while stacking and grasping the pieces helps them develop their organization and motor skills. 

Whimsical design and sophisticated colors make these stacking rings a stylish addition to your home. 

This toy is part of our Danish Hygge collection


  • Stacking toys help develop both the body and the brain starting around six months
  • Helps improve fine motor skills
  • The basic skills learned from stacking toys become the foundation for more complex tasks like using a writing instrument
  • Stacking toys also help kids learn language skills 
  • Designed and manufactured in Denmark.

Price discounted.
This series has caused defects in the packaging of the goods during international transportation. Please do not place an order if you are very mindful of the complete packaging.