來自美國The Saturday Baby 的所有產品均採用現代風格設計,每種顏色都是精心挑選從Pantones中挑選出來,既實用又時尚。餐具均採用 100% 食品級矽膠材料,能讓清洗變得更輕鬆,無論您身在何處!我們的矽膠商品都能適用洗碗機,若在旅途中也能輕鬆地擦拭它們。
固齒玩具採用 100% 食品級矽膠材料與天然無毒山毛櫸木製成,均採用精心挑選的Pantone顏色,固齒器能幫助安撫口慾期的寶寶,更能幫助他們度過所有長牙期的不適,也能幫助嬰兒手眼口協調能力的小肌肉發展。
當然,您總是可以放心,因為我們所有的產品都經過 FDA 批准,不含 BPA、PVC 和 BPS。

感謝您光臨 The Saturday Baby,希望您喜歡我們的產品!
The Saturday Baby teethers are made out of 100% food grade silicone, BPA free, non toxic, and each design is curated from a carefully selected pantone color. Our teethers are designed to match our bibs and help your little one through all of their teething! Thanks for stopping by The Saturday Baby, we hope you love your products!
Thanks for stopping by The Saturday Baby, we hope you love your products!