TSF, The Sun Dress 英國Liberty夏日野花繫帶洋裝 18m-3y

$3,016 TWD $3,770 TWD

這款簡約夏日野花洋裝的靈感來自坐在陰涼樹下的朦朧日子,展示了我們非常特別的野花印花。它向春天的新芽致敬,並在設計時考慮到了夏日的回憶,它的特點是精緻的肩帶在肩部系成固定的蝴蝶結,寬鬆舒適。Liberty 花卉印花讓小野花更加迷人,在美麗的奶油色基底上散發出深紅色、古董玫瑰和鼠尾草的氣息。用The Avarca 涼鞋打造最甜美的溫暖天氣造型,或隨心所欲地穿搭。 

Tana Lawn ™在義大利採用 Liberty Fabrics 超細長絨埃及棉編織而成。這種創新技術賦予它奢華柔軟、絲綢般的感覺,同時保持其質量和耐用性,讓您與家人一起享受長久、可持續的生活。

• 成分:100% Tana Lawn  棉

服裝尺碼表Size(此商品與尺碼相符)不含繫帶 :

12-18M 40.5cm 38cm
18-24M 42.5cm 41cm
2-3Y 44.5cm 44cm
3-4Y 46.5cm 47cm
4-5Y 48.5cm 50cm
5-6Y 50.5cm 53cm
6-7Y 52cm 56cm
7-8Y 53.5cm 59cm
8-9Y 55cm 62cm
9-10Y 56.5cm 65cm
由於織品彈性 係數、水洗工藝、測量點等原因,可能與實際產品有 ±2cm 的偏差,經檢驗標準政策均屬測量可接受範圍,不屬於瑕疵。

The simple Folk 是極簡主義系列的品牌,以自然靈感、道德、有機和高舒適度的遊戲服著名,它們易於穿著、易於洗滌且易於感知,因此它們的款式質料能陪伴孩童更久的時間。追求多功能、永恆的單品,奢華柔軟、實用、無圖案、採用無毒面料和染料製成,並以環保和社會意識的方式創造,絕對是寶寶首選的單品質料。(因全天然布料,若產品有視覺上的織法錯位,均屬正常)

The simple Folk 織品護理+洗滌說明
The simple Folk Care + washing instructions


Inspired by hazy days sitting under a shady tree, this simple sun dress showcases our very special wildflower print. With a nod to spring shoots and designed with summer memories yet made in mind, it features delicate straps that tie into fixed bows at the shoulders and a loose and comfortable fit. The Liberty floral print makes it all the more enchanting for your very own little wildflowers with notes of deep red, antique rose, and sage on a beautiful cream base. Create the sweetest warm-weather look with The Avarca Sandal or layer it to your heart's content. 

Made with Liberty Fabrics, Tana Lawn cotton is woven from ultra-fine, long-staple Egyptian cotton. This innovative technique gives it a luxuriously soft, silk-like feel while maintaining its quality and durability for a long, sustainable life with your family.

• Composition: 100% Tana Lawn cotton
Available in: WILDFLOWERS
Made with love in Portugal

Brand, The simple Folk