62 Pc Rainbow Starter Pack 彩虹入門組 磁力片積木

$2,550 TWD

通過我們的 62 件入門包鼓勵 STEAM 學習和創造力,此系列包含 4 個大方塊磁力片,能讓架構更容易變得壯觀!該入門組具有多種不同顏色的形狀。它是開始您的 Connetix 瓷磚系列、構建大型瓷磚並獲得對磁性瓷磚遊戲的信心的完美選擇。


作為一款開放式優質玩具,Connetix 將隨著您的孩子的學習和遊戲變得更加複雜而成長。擴展您的收藏,並用我們的100 件創意包40 件擴展包來補充您的 62 件入門包,以收集每種顏色的每種形狀!

建議年齡:3 歲以上(包含磁鐵和小零件)


  • 4 個大方塊
  • 24 個小方塊
  • 12 個等邊三角形
  • 8 x 直角三角形
  • 6 x 等腰三角形
  • 4 x 窗片
  • 4 x 門件
  • 創意手冊


    • 所有瓷磚均採用無毒 ABS 塑料製成,不含雙酚 A 和鄰苯二甲酸鹽,密封並鉚接以提供額外的安全性。
    • 我們獨特的斜面設計使 Connetix 堅固耐用,同時提供美麗清晰的折射。
    • Connetix 與其他領先品牌兼容。
              重量 2.16 公斤
              包裝尺寸 27×17×7 cm


              Connetix Tiles 於 2019 年 6 月由品牌創始人的孩子一起上小學時認識的兩個家庭正式推出。Brea 是幼兒教師和三個幼兒的母親,擁有碩士學位,豐富的小學教育經驗。Brea 熱衷於通過遊戲學習,喜歡與孩子一起成長的開放式優質玩具!Dave 有兩個年幼的孩子,無論走到哪裡,他們都喜歡帶著Connetix旅行包出去吃飯!

              我們的磁力片積木採用無毒 ABS 塑料製成,不含 BPA、鉛和鄰苯二甲酸鹽。所有磁力片積木都經過密封和鉚接以提高安全性,我們獨特的斜面設計使 Connetix 堅固耐用,同時產生美麗的清晰折射。Connetix 是一家澳大利亞公司,我們非常重視產品的安全性。銷售 Connetix 所需的所有必要測試和合格認證。



              Our 62 Piece set comprises 4 large tiles, making building BIG even easier!

              Connetix Tiles was officially launched in June 2019 by two families who met when our children started primary school together.

              We pride ourselves on producing a quality product that will last through many years of play in homes around the world. Our tiles are made using non-toxic ABS plastic that is BPA, lead and Phthalate free. All tiles are also sealed and riveted for extra safety and our unique beveled design allows Connetix to be strong while creating beautiful clear refractions. Connetix is an Australian company manufactured in China and we take the safety of our products very seriously. All the necessary testing and approvals required to sell Connetix have been undertaken

              For more information, please click the link below.
              Brand introduction
              Play concept
              Educational materials

              Encourage STEAM learning and creativity with our 62 piece Starter Pack.

              This pack features a variety of shapes in different colours. It is the perfect option to start your Connetix tile collection, build BIG and gain confidence in magnetic tile play.

              Fostering imagination and learning through PLAY, our Starter Pack will allow children to build creations such as houses, small castles, farms or zoos, car parks, rocket ships, towers, puzzles, sorting boxes and coin drops, explore concepts of magnetism, learn about shapes, patterns and colours, develop fine motor and problem solving skills, plus so much more!

              As an open-ended quality toy, Connetix will grow WITH your child as they learn and their play becomes more complex. Expand your collection and complement your 62 Piece Starter Pack with our 100 Piece Creative Pack and 40 Piece Expansion Pack to collect every shape in every colour!

              Recommended Age: 3+ (contains magnets and small parts)

              Each pack includes:

              • 4 x Large squares
              • 24 x Small squares
              • 12 x Equilateral triangles
              • 8 x Right angle triangles
              • 6 x Isosceles triangles
              • 4 x Window pieces
              • 4 x door pieces
              • Idea Booklet

              About Our Products:

              • All tiles are made using non-toxic ABS plastic that is BPA and Phthalate free, sealed and riveted for extra safety.
              • Our unique beveled design allows Connetix to be strong while offering beautiful clear refractions.
              • Connetix are compatible with other leading brands.
                  Weight 2.16 kg
                  Dimensions 27 × 17 × 7 cm
                  Due to the uncontrollable situation of international transportation, the packaging of the goods is somewhat imperfect. This is inevitable during the transportation process. Please do not place an order if you are looking for perfect packaging. Before placing an order, you can contact us to inquire about the condition of the product. After the order is placed, the return and exchange of the same reason will not be accepted.