TSF, The Frill Linen Short Oatmeal 亞麻荷葉摺邊短褲 燕麥 4-6y

$1,485 TWD $1,650 TWD


我們的有機亞麻經過 GOTS 認證,不含有害化學物質,奢華透氣。它來自法國山區的稀有有機亞麻,以保持其耐用、質樸的外觀以及令人難以置信的柔軟質地和高性能品質。每次洗滌都更柔軟,這種美麗的面料可以在未來幾十年穿著和喜愛。

• 成分:100% GOTS 有機亞麻
• 在葡萄牙用愛製造


12-18M 18.5cm 19.5cm
18-24M 19.5cm 20.5cm
2-3Y 20.5cm 21.5cm
3-4Y 21.5cm 22.5cm
4-5Y 23cm 24cm
5-6Y 24.5cm 25.5cm
6-7Y 26cm 27cm
7-8Y 27.5cm 28cm
8-9Y 29cm 29cm
9-10Y 30.5cm 30cm
由於織品彈性 係數、水洗工藝、測量點等原因,可能與實際產品有 ±2cm 的偏差,經檢驗標準政策均屬測量可接受範圍,不屬於瑕疵。

The simple Folk 是極簡主義系列的品牌,以自然靈感、道德、有機和高舒適度的遊戲服著名,它們易於穿著、易於洗滌且易於感知,因此它們的款式質料能陪伴孩童更久的時間。追求多功能、永恆的單品,奢華柔軟、實用、無圖案、採用無毒面料和染料製成,並以環保和社會意識的方式創造,絕對是寶寶首選的單品質料。(因全天然布料,若產品有視覺上的織法錯位,均屬正常)

The simple Folk 織品護理+洗滌說明
The simple Folk Care + washing instructions


Perfectly made for enchanting summer days, our linen shorts feature a wide ruffle detail and soft elastic waistband, and are as practical as they are stylish. Pair it to perfection with our Frill Linen Top.

GOTS certified and free from harmful chemicals, our organic linen is luxuriously airy. It’s sourced from rare organic flax from the mountains of France to retain its durable, rustic appearance yet incredibly soft texture and high-performance quality. Softer with every wash, this beautiful fabric can be worn and loved for decades to come.

• Composition: 100% GOTS organic linen
• Available in: OATMEAL, CINNAMON
• Made with love in Portugal