Baby Velour Puff Suit 有機棉絲絨泡泡包屁褲 6-24m

$1,408 TWD $1,760

無毒有機棉,體驗最柔軟嫩膚的純淨觸感,深綠松木色可愛柔軟的絲絨泡泡套裝,圓弧領口設計,可愛的細節褶皺在胸口,腿周圍有柔軟的鬆緊帶與暗釦,背部有有暗釦以方便穿脫,可在腿部和頸部完全打開。由超柔軟的 100% 有機棉製成,並完全通過 GOTS 認證。

100% 有機棉 GOTS 認證
公平貿易 (SA8000) 認證


56cm = 1 month
62cm = 3 months
68cm = 6 months
74cm = 9 months
80cm = 12 months
86cm = 18 months
92cm = 2 Years

布面料在裁剪前都經過仔細的預洗。這減少了未來布料收縮的可能,並隨著時間的推移只會收縮 3-5% 的高質量紡織品,我們的棉混紡紗線將長期保持柔軟度和顏色。

羊駝毛和小羊駝毛 款式均在玻利維亞小型家庭集體中精心手工或半手工製作


Serendipity Organics 是柔軟自然的丹麥設計,由純有機棉和天然羊毛製成,帶來額外的舒適感和易穿性。擁有對天然纖維和材料的柔軟觸感和高品質的真正熱情,以及對我們的孩子和環境的全面關懷,是 Serendipity Organics 的核心。

服裝產品的設計和質量對我們至關重要,我們努力設計出經久不衰的單品,它們非常柔軟,經久耐用。設計理念和美學植根於我們的斯堪的納維亞傳統。所有的棉服裝都在印度生產,並通過了 GOTS(全球有機紡織品標準)認證,從棉田一直到紡紗、染色、編織、針織和縫合過程。並且合作的主要工廠均通過公平貿易和 SA8000 認證。

更多 品牌介紹  Brand's story
        衣物保養  Care Textiles


Lovely and soft velour puff-suit in a deep green pine colour. The suit has a rounded neck and lovely detailed gatherings on the top and soft elastics around the legs. Finished with snap button for full opening in the legs and in the neck. Made from soft 100% organic cotton and is fully GOTS certified.

Size = the height of the child.

56cm = 1 month
62 cm = 3 months
68 cm = 6 months
74 cm = 9 months
80 cm = 12 months
86 cm = 18 months
92 cm = 2 Years

This garment is made from 100 % organic cotton and is GOTS-certified through the entire production process.

organic cotton are produced in India