預購 bambolina, Bunny Eeyore white almond 100% cashmere 長耳兔針織造型帽 杏仁糖 100%喀什米爾 6m-3y
帶有長兔耳朵的嬰兒羊絨帽 這款可愛的嬰兒帽採用 100% 羊絨針織製成,為您的小寶寶提供無與倫比的柔軟和溫暖。下巴下方以繫帶閉合,提供牢固貼合,同時完美覆蓋耳朵、頸部和前額,讓您的孩子感到舒適和安全。其超長的兔子耳朵更增添了俏皮的魅力,讓您的寶寶擁有令人無法抗拒的小兔子外觀。這款帽子輕盈、溫暖、可愛,是舒適與時尚的完美選擇。波蘭製造的產品。 100%手工製作,只建議手洗。
實測平量尺寸約 cm (不含造型耳朵和繫帶)
6-12m 帽高:17.5 寬度:23.5
1-3y 帽高:19.5 寬度:24.5
尺寸指南 cm
6-12 個月 - 最大 50
2-3 歲 - 最大 54
由於織品彈性係數、水洗工藝、測量點等原因,可能與實際產品有 ±2cm 的偏差,經檢驗標準政策均屬測量可接受範圍,不屬於瑕疵。
Baby Cashmere Hat with Long Bunny Ears This adorable baby hat is made from 100% cashmere knit, offering unparalleled softness and warmth for your little one. Featuring a tie closure under the chin, it provides a secure fit while perfectly covering the ears, neck, and forehead to keep your child cozy and protected. With its extra-long bunny ears, it adds a playful charm, giving your baby the irresistible look of a tiny bunny. Lightweight, warm, and delightfully cute, this hat is the perfect choice for both comfort and style.
Product made in Poland.
composition: 100% cashmere
color: white almond
season to wear: cool spring/ cool autumn/ winter
size chart:
6-12 months -maximum 50 cm
2-3 years - maximum 54 cm