Neal's Yard Remedies, Aromatherapy Blend - De Stress 恬靜花園複方精油 10ml

$700 TWD


  • 自然平靜和振奮
  • 帶來寧靜的感覺
  • 非常適合辦公室擴散器


透過香氛儀,營造出輕鬆的氛圍。 適用2歲以上兒童與成人,在香芬機中添加1-3滴。不適合兩歲以下的兒童。

成人可加入4-6滴精油在一盆熱水中,用大毛巾蓋住頭部並深深呼吸。 2歲以下的兒童、敏感膚質者與哮喘患者不推薦直接嗅聞蒸氣,推薦以一盆溫熱水加入精油放在自己周圍嗅聞


*注意:請勿在未稀釋狀態直接使用於肌膚; 僅供外用; 請勿接觸到眼睛;易燃; 請放置於兒童無法拿到的地方

容量:10 ml

Cananga odorata (Ylang ylang) flower oil*, Copaifera officinalis (Balsam copaiba) resin*, Citrus aurantium (Petitgrain) leaf/twig oil*, Citrus aurantium (Neroli) flower oil*, Benzyl alcohol, Benzyl benzoate, Benzyl salicylate, Citral, Eugenol, Farnesol, Geraniol, Isoeugenol, Limonene, Linalool.
*Organically produced ingredient. Natural constituent of essential oils listed. Made with 100% organic ingredients.

警告: 請勿在皮膚上使用未稀釋的產品。僅限於外用。避免接觸眼睛。請將本品放在兒童不能接觸的地方。易燃。

40 多年來,Neal's Yard Remedies 一直利用最優質的天然和有機、符合道德規範的草藥、植物藥和精油的力量來製作屢獲殊榮的系列,幫助您在外在美與內在健康之間找到完美平衡。


This tranquil blend of soothing ylang ylang, nourishing neroli and uplifting petitgrain relaxes your body and mind. It helps ease your worries and troubles by transporting you to a place of peace and calm.

  • Naturally calming and uplifting
  • Brings a sense of tranquility
  • Great for an office diffuser

How to use.

Diffusers & Burners
A natural air freshener, this technique creates a relaxing ambiance and mood. For adults, add 1–3 drops in a diffuser or burner. For children over 2 years old, add 1–3 drops in a diffuser.

This technique helps to clear your head and nose. For adults, add 4–6 drops to a bowl of steaming water, pace a towel over your head and breathe. Children over 2 years old, adults with sensitive skin and asthmatics should not inhale directly. Instead, place the bowl of hot water with added oils in the room nearby.

Relaxes your body and mind while helping to ease aching muscles. For adults, use up to 15 drops in 2 tbsp of base oil. For children over 2 years old or adults with sensitive skin, use up to 6 drops in 2 tbsp of base oil.

Warnings: Do not use undiluted on the skin. For external use only. Avoid contact with the eyes. Keep out of reach of children. Flammable.

10 ml


Cananga Odorata Flower Oil*, Copaifera Officinalis (Balsam Copaiba) Resin*, Citrus Aurantium Amara (Bitter Orange) Leaf/Twig Extract*, Citrus Aurantium Amara (Bitter Orange) Flower Oil*,Linalool, Benzyl Benzoate, Benzyl Salicylate, Farnesol, Geraniol, Limonene, Eugenol, Isoeugenol, Citral.*Organic. From Essential

For over 40 years, Neal's Yard Remedies have been using the power of the highest quality natural and organic, ethically sourced herbs, botanicals and oils to craft an honorable collection that helps you find the perfect balance between wellness, outdoors and indoors balance.