bloomere, Organic Nap Mat - Modern Stripe 輕便型有機棉午睡墊/睡袋 現代條紋

$3,680 TWD

使用我們的最新產品:有機棉幼兒午睡墊,享受最美好的午睡體驗。它採用 100% 有機棉織品精心製成,即使是最嬌嫩的肌膚也能溫和呵護,確保您的小寶貝在純粹的舒適中進入夢鄉。 

有機午睡墊採用約 4cm = 1.5 英寸 厚的睡墊製成,無論您的孩子選擇在家裡還是在硬地板上打盹,都可以提供無與倫比的支撐,同時保持輕便且易於攜帶。我們將睡墊、被子和枕頭安全的縫製在一起,將便利性融入到每一針中,設計出捲筒風格和輕鬆休息的午睡款式。我們也與來自世界各地的才華橫溢的圖案設計師和插畫家合作,為您帶來最迷人、最柔軟、最夢幻的圖案。


我們的有機午睡墊採用 100% 有機棉布料,確保對寶寶敏感的肌膚溫和,同時提供舒適溫馨的空間,讓他們擁有最甜蜜的夢想。此外,我們的聚酯填充物耐用、輕巧且易於維護,有助於忙碌的父母使用更長時間,因為它可以承受多次洗滌和乾燥而不會結塊。

尺寸約 cm:
睡墊:51 x 132 cm
被子:71 x 127 cm
總重量:約 1,1 kg
我們的午睡墊非常適合典型的日托嬰兒床,長 132,寬 58 cm。

尺寸 inch 
睡墊:20'' x 52''
被子:28'' x 50''


1. 攜帶式豪華寢具和輕便午睡系列之間的主要差異是什麼?
我們的輕便型午睡墊專為實用性而設計, 睡墊、被子和枕頭都縫在一起。它們易於攜帶和折疊,即使對於小小孩來說也是如此方便。


來自美國紐約午睡墊品牌Bloomere 專為您和您的寶貝打造,旨在減輕日常負擔、營造輕鬆舒適和安心的氛圍,擁抱平靜快樂的日常小睡時刻,安穩的好眠,讓笑容更燦爛的法寶🤍
不僅為家創造更彈性使用的空間,而且符合個人美學,確保每一件產品都能為您的甜寶貝帶來純粹的歡樂時刻,不影響風格。我們的Bloomere 產品在美國紐約精心設計,採用小批量生產,以確保最高品質和真實性。



Indulge in the ultimate naptime experience with our newest addition: the Organic Toddler Nap Mat. Made with love and care from 100% organic cotton fabric, it's gentle on even the most delicate skin, ensuring your little one drifts off to dreamland in pure comfort. 

Crafted with a plush 1.5-inch thick pad, our organic nap mat provides unbeatable support wherever your child chooses to snooze—whether at home or on a hard floor—while remaining lightweight and easy to carry. But that's not all—we've collaborated with talented pattern designers and illustrators from around the globe to bring you the most enchanting, soft, and dreamy patterns imaginable.

Incorporating convenience into every stitch, we've seamlessly sewn the pad, blanket, and pillow together to create a compact roll-and-rest-easy set. Simply roll it up, secure it with the velcro strap, and you're ready for naptime bliss anytime, anywhere.

Fabric & Care:

Our organic nap mat uses 100% organic cotton fabric to ensure it is gentle on your little one's sensitive skin while providing a comfortable and cozy space to have the sweetest dreams. Additionally, our polyester filling is durable, lightweight, and easy to maintain, helping it last longer for busy parents, as it can withstand multiple washes and dry without clumping.

Wash in cold water on a gentle cycle and tumble dry on low heat. Avoid bleach.


Pad: 20'' x 52''
Blanket: 28'' x 50''

Our nap mats fit perfectly on a typical daycare cot, 52'' long and 23'' wide.