LIEWOOD, Batu Baby Hooded Towel - Horses / Dark Rosetta 嬰兒連帽浴巾 刺繡小馬 / 粉羅塞塔

$1,580 TWD

嬰兒連帽浴巾讓您的小寶貝在洗澡或游泳後保持溫暖和舒適的完美方式。這款浴巾由 100% 有機棉製成,柔軟溫和,呵護寶寶嬌嫩的肌膚,織線密度極高,可帶來更溫暖與舒適的體驗。這款浴巾的兜帽上飾有可愛的刺繡小馬細節,為設計增添了俏皮感。

Dark Rosetta色調靈感來自杜伊斯堡花卉品種,花卉顏色從粉紅色到覆盆子,而夏季開花幾乎是粉紅色的,有美好的香氣,也展現美麗、自由堅毅精神,與刺繡小馬個性亦同。


材質:100% 有機棉 GOTS認證
尺寸:70 x 70 cm


LIEWOOD 專注於功能性和創新,設計和生產嬰兒和兒童玩具、室內裝飾、家具、配飾、服裝和鞋類,所有這些都以美學、品質和意識為出發點,而這正是讓 LIEWOOD 成為有趣和公平選擇的核心價值觀。深深植根於北歐設計傳統,品牌所做的一切都經過深思熟慮,並始終採用現代設計。

LIEWOOD 已通過全球有機紡織品標準 (GOTS) 認證,該標準是世界領先的有機纖維紡織品加工標準。GOTS 規定了整個供應鏈(從原生纖維到最終產品)對使用有機生產原材料的紡織品和服裝製造的生態和勞動條件的要求。此外,該認證還包括畜牧業福利標準並禁止轉基因生物。我們的 GOTS 認證有助於確保遵守 17 項聯合國可持續發展目標,並與所有相關者積極合作。


Hooded Baby Towel
Batu is the perfect way to keep your little one warm and cosy after bath time or a swim. Made from 100% organic cotton, this towel is soft and gentle on your baby's delicate skin, with extra density for a warmer and more snuggly experience. The towel features an adorable embroidery detail on the hood, adding a playful touch to the design.

  • Hooded baby towel
  • Soft and perfect for getting out of the bath or after a swim
  • Extra dense quality for a warmer and more snuggly experience
  • 100% Organic cotton
  • Embroidery detail on hood
  • Highly absorbent. 

  • Dimensions: Height 70cm, Width 70cm

    With a focus on functionality and innovation, LIEWOOD designs and produces toys, interior, furniture, accessories, wear and footwear for babies and children all which made with aesthetics, quality, and consciousness in mind. Exactly the core values that make LIEWOOD the fun and fair choice.

    Our universe is deeply rooted in the Nordic design tradition,and everything we do is done with care and consideration, and always with a contemporary take on design.