Teeth Soother Unicorn - Rose 獨角獸牙齒安撫玩具 固齒器 玫瑰

$600 TWD

來自 Konges Sløjd 的可愛牙齒安撫玩具由 100% 天然橡膠製成,用於舒緩嬰兒牙齦疼痛。橡膠玩具上的每一個紋理都能刺激嬰兒的視覺、聽覺、嗅覺、觸覺和味覺。適合小手,有助於讓嬰兒保持冷靜和吸引注意力。

材質:100% 天然橡膠,手繪食品級漆,不含 BPA 和鄰苯二甲酸鹽。
保養:用濕布或天然清潔劑清洗(最高 30 度)。
尺寸:13 x 10 cm

本產品含有可能引起過敏反應的天然橡膠 請保留包裝,因為它包含重要信息

丹麥品牌Konges Sløjd專為嬰兒、兒童和家庭打造簡約、斯堪的納維亞風格和時尚的產品,專注於質量、功能和簡約。產品由 GOTS 認證的有機棉在具有公平工作條件的工廠中製成。從嬰兒必需品(薄紗布、尿布袋、圍兜和牙膠)到漂亮的裝飾品和玩具(床罩、餐具、木製玩具)和甜美配飾,應有盡有。 


Cute animals made in 100% natural rubber for soothing the baby's sore gums

Every texture on the rubber toy stimulates baby's sense of sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste

The rubber toy fits the tiny hands and helps to keep your baby calm and distracted

CE-tested after European standard EN-71-1

Suitable from +0 years old

Cleaning instructions:
Clean the toy with a damp cloth or with soapy water (max. 30 degrees C)

Do not use any chemicals on the rubber toy

Always examine the product carefully before use, to make sure there are no damages

Do not expose the toy to direct sunlight and keep away from sources of heat

The details and color on the product may vary as it is handmade

This product contains natural rubber which may cause allergic reactions

Please keep the packaging as it contains important information

Remove all packaging and strings prior to use

Do not leave a child alone while using the rubber toy

100% Natural rubber
Hand painted with food grade paint

13 cm x 10 cm