ferm LIVING, Embroidered Seafood 海鮮大餐 刺繡主廚系列

$999 TWD $1,980 TWD

晚餐已供應,今天的菜單上寫著海鮮。讓您的孩子透過這套甜蜜的刺繡食物進入一個虛構的美味世界。經 GOTS 認證的棉質套裝由五種不同類型的海鮮組成,圖案被繡在小形狀上。這款異想天開的玩具組配有一個經過 GOTS 認證的小棉質手提袋,讓您的孩子可以將它從想像中的廚房帶到兒童房的餐桌上。

尺寸:寬 15 x 高 20 x 深 4 cm
材質:100% 未染色 GOTS 認證有機棉,附刺繡。再生聚酯填充物
資訊:包括 5 件刺繡物品,裝在一個小手提袋中
保養說明: 用濕布擦拭




ferm LIVING基於對真實設計的熱情,所做的每一個核心責任的選擇,都是為了創造誠實產品和平靜生活而存在。我們與哥本哈根的家鄉和世界各地的工匠合作,將斯堪的納維亞思維方式與全球技能和傳統融合在一起,以柔和的形式、豐富的紋理和奇特的細節為特色,可幫助您的居家營造出一種意想不到的沉穩質感氛圍。從材料和工藝到生產和交付,都以幫助塑造可持續發展的未來做努力,也讓您更容易做出善待地球環境的選擇。

更多 ferm LIVING 品牌故事  Brand's Story


Dinner is served, and today the menu reads seafood. Let your little one dive into a tasty world of make-believe with this sweet set of embroidered food. The GOTS-certified cotton set consists of five different types of seafood, where the motives have been embroidered onto little shapes. The whimsical playset comes in a small GOTS-certified cotton tote bag that will allow your little one to carry it from the imaginary kitchen to the kids’ room dining table.

Color: Multi
Size: W: 15 x H: 20 x D: 4 cm
Material: 100% undyed GOTS-certified organic cotton with embroidery. Recycled polyester fillling
Info: Includes 5 embroidered items and comes in a tiny totebag
Care instructions: Wipe with a damp cloth

Due to the uncontrollable situation of international transportation, the packaging of the goods is somewhat imperfect. This is inevitable during the transportation process. Please do not place an order if you are looking for perfect packaging. Before placing an order, you can contact us to inquire about the condition of the product. After the order is placed, the return and exchange of the same reason will not be accepted.