Marsou, Small Nemo Swaddle - Blue Gingham 淺藍格紋萬用巾 小 60 x 60cm 圍巾 頭巾 包巾

$662 TWD $810 TWD

品牌獨家印花設計。旨在適應一切!輕薄柔軟的有機環保棉紗巾,也能當成襁褓巾包巾,讓寶寶午睡時間變得更加舒適 - 非常適合襁褓、護理和外出時守護您的寶寶。任何你需要的情況都能使用它:汽座、推車、哺乳時、海邊、旅遊必備。很推薦買一大一小~小的當寶寶圍巾,大的給媽咪或爸比當圍巾或披巾都好合適,剛好配親子裝單品🤲🏻

  • 小號 NEMO 襁褓,尺寸 60 x 60 cm
  • 一種有機環保棉(Oeko tex)的版本:藍色格子

100% 在我們的法國巴黎工作室設計,法國製造。
100% 有機環保棉紗布(Oeko tex 認證)
輕柔洗滌 30° 勿用烘乾機

Marsou 品牌介紹:
在與國際知名品牌CHANEL合作 5 年後,Laetitia Flandre 於 2016 年創立了 Marsou。她的目標是在法國重塑環保紡​​織品生產,並證明在法國能以合理的價格生產有機時裝的可能。  Marsou 完全致力於可持續原則,選擇本地生產,即使作為一個小品牌,也能為保護我們的地球做出貢獻。

Marsou 的作品在法國巴黎設計、手工染色和手工製作,使用至少 50% 的升級回收布料從法國豪華房屋的剩餘庫存中購買。布料則是採用有機 GOTS 認證和環保 Oeko Tex Standard 100 認證,不含對人體或地球有害的化學物質。

風格設計以復古與現代趨勢之間,Marsou 的parti pris 是採用古老的織法設計靈感並重新詮釋來創造永恆的作品。


Designed to go with everything !
  • Small NEMO Swaddle in size 60cm x 60cm
  • One version in eco-friendly canvas cotton (Oeko tex): Blue Gingham
  • Made with love in Paris, France

100% made in France in our Parisian workshop.
100% eco friendly canvas cotton gauze (Oeko tex certified).
Machine wash 30°C with similar colors.
Soft ironing.
No dryer.

Marsou Brand story,
After working for 5 years with Chanel, Laetitia Flandre founded Marsou in 2016.  Her objective is to reinvent eco-friendly textile production in France and to prove that it is possible to produce organic fashion in France at reasonable prices.  Marsou are fully committed to the sustainable principle, choosing a local production channel to contribute – as a small brand – to preserving our planet.

Marsou creations are designed, hand-dyed and handmade in Paris, France using a minimum of 50% upcycled fabrics bought from luxury French houses leftover stocks.  The other 50% are organic certified or eco friendly fabrics OekoTex Standard 100 certified, with no harmful chemicals for the body or for the earth.

An alchemy between vintage and contemporary trends, Marsou's parti pris is to adopt ancient codes and reinvent their design to create timeless pieces.