Minimom, Lorena Dress 典雅方領刺繡洋裝 2-7y

$1,526 TWD $2,180


100% GOTS 棉

夏睦女兒1.7y 90cm 14kg,身材渾厚XD,實穿4y較合適。

來自土耳其的品牌,Minimom 始於 2015 年的一對夫妻的夢想,而女兒是品牌背後的主要靈感。作為一個女人和一個母親,我的一生都受到古典美的單品啟發,而想在我們的服裝中保持這種微成熟與浪漫之間的Mini Mom美感。品牌的首要任務是打造舒適的衣服,細節上帶有一點復古元素,也能每天輕鬆穿著。品牌的紡織產品在我們工作室所在的土耳其伊斯坦布爾設計和生產。手工針織產品由才華橫溢的女工匠製作,全品項使用 GOTS 認證的有機棉紗生產。我們很高興有您參與我們的夢想旅程,持續地實現。


The elegant U-neck shape and the delicate details of embroidered classic fabrics bring you and your child the best elegance.

100% GOTS cotton

Our textile products are designed and produced in Istanbul, Turkey where our atelier is located. Our hand knitted products are getting produced with GOTS certified organic cotton yarns by talented female artisans.

We are happy to have you in our journey because this dream would never come true without your love and support.